Monday, May 16, 2011

What a Weekend!

The grandparents came into town this past weekend. You know how that is. First they get there and tell you how much you've grown, they complain about the trip to see you, take your room so that you have to move elsewhere and then when you think you can't handle the insanity any longer, they retreat back to their homes in another state..... WRONG! You obviously haven't met my grandparents if you think this is the norm in my house.
My grandparents living Panama City Beach, Florida. Huh, doesn't that sound like a familiar place? I think I have something going on down there in about 2 months. I'll check my calendar and get back with you.
Anyway, they live at the beach and we don't get to see them very often but when we do, it is like we haven't seen in them in FOOOORRRRREEEEVVVVEEEERRRRR. Can you say "gossip galore"? They are amazing people and we love it when they come to visit.

They came into town for a baby shower that was thrown for my cousin and ended up getting to come to my first bridal shower. Speaking of which, the shower was great! I had a blast and I think Bryan did too. We got a few things that were on our registry and a few gift cards too. Have I told you I love gift cards? Not sure why. I think it might be because it's like a credit card that I don't have to pay the balance on at the end of the month. Don't worry, Bryan got a Bass Pro Shop gift card just like he wanted. You think they sell Fiesta kitchenware there?

Seeing how we had an extra set of hands in the house this weekend, we put together the invitations. That was a chore. I thought it would be easy but I soon found that it was going to take a little longer than planned but they look amazing when they're all finished. I'm a few short so I'll have to get those put together on my days off. I don't want to show a picture of what they look like because that will ruin the surprise when you get them but here are a few hints
Exciting! Hopefully you can't tell too much from those. I'm going to post the entire process about 2 weeks after they are sent out. That way everyone who is getting one should have it and we shouldn't have to worry about spoiler alerts.

We also nailed down what the groomsmen will be wearing in the wedding. As I've told you before, they will be wearing linen pants and here are the shirts:
Pretty awesome. Bryan also wants them to wear aviator sunglasses which looks really good. Bryan tried on the whole outfit at Macy's one day and I'm very happy with it. Just as long as they are comfortable and not miserably hot, which they may be seeing how the shirts are black, then I'm happy too.

The weekend was going great and was going to end great until Bryan and I made a to-do list of things that need to be done in the next 2 months. After making a list of about 20 items, he then said it was time to go to bed and before I turned the light off, he was snoring and dreaming of Jennifer Anniston and Tina Fey. I don't think I slept last night at all. Luckily I know I have friends and family that will help us get some of the things done.... I think. They may have all just de-friended me on Facebook and now I'm all alone in the world.

That's all I have for now. I'll give you another update next week.

-Busy and Friendless

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