Monday, May 30, 2011

Memorial Day

I do realize this is a wedding blog and we're supposed to be blogging about the wedding....... have you ever known us to follow the rules? I like to use this space to tell people just what happens in our house and give you the behind the scenes look into what is our lives. You can't just show up on July 15th at 5 pm and listen to our vows without knowing who we really are. I hope all of you have been enjoying this "Mr. Roger's" -esque time we have had together. And for those of you out there in cyberspace (because our blog shows up on Google searches) I hope you have enjoyed reading about the ups, downs and sometimes crazy things we have posted here. I also hope that you have learned a few tips and tricks to how we are putting together our wedding.
So let's begin by saying that Bryan and I would like to thank each and every one of our servicemen who have fought, is fighting or will fight for our country. There aren't enough ways I can think of to show my appreciation for everything you have done. I would especially like to thank my sister and maid of honor, Michelle, for the time that she spent in the United States Army. I was very young when she joined so I really just remember making countless trips to the airport to pick her up and to take her back. It is the people like her, the moms, sisters, daughters, nieces, aunts, granddaughters, that make me proud of where I come from. They selflessly put their lives on the line so that we can have simple luxuries in our lives and to make our own decisions. Thank you, Michelle Tingler, for serving your time for our country.

Got that? Ok, time for wedding stuffs.

The weekend started off with date night on Friday. We spent most of the evening down in Alpharetta at the Shane Co purchasing Bryan's wedding band...... YAY!!!!!! I have to say the ring is amazing and really does fit his personality. I would put up a picture but I kind of want it to be a surprise for the wedding day. I guess that's kind of annoying, huh?
Ok, you twisted my arm..... I'll post one....... JUST ONE!
Well, those are actually all the rings but I think you get which one is his.

Later that night, we went and watched The Hangover Part 2. Please do yourself a favor and carve out some time to see this movie. I think I laughed harder in this one than I did in the first. *Spoiler Alert* Chow makes more of an appearance than in the first one which really makes the movie.

Saturday we were up early..... sort of..... ok we got up at 11 and went kayaking down the hooch. Number one best thing about living in Cumming, there is an outfitter only 5 miles down the road that will drop you off and come back to pick you up. That was super fun but now I have horrible sunburns and tan lines that I have to get rid of in 45 days.

Sunday was nice. Bryan went on a dirt bike ride that morning and I studied for NCLEX. Have I reminded you that NCLEX is this Thursday? Pray for me.... I'm pretty sure my mom already has me on the prayer list at church.

Monday was fantastic! We went to the mall to take advantage of the sales and ended up walking away with Bryan's outfit for the wedding! But wait, did I tell you that he also bought all of the groomsmen their shirts last week? HE DID!!! And then my mom drug my dad to the store and got his outfit!!! Everyone is going to be dressed at the wedding!!!!! :D I'm getting a little over excited. Here is the face that Bryan makes when I get overly excited:

This is also the face he makes when he has lost his phone, wallet, keys, favorite pair of dirty shorts, belt, etc..
He's going to hate me for posting that picture.

Well, that's all I have for now. I hate to leave you with a weird picture of Bryan so here's Bonnie instead. Enjoy!

Monday, May 23, 2011

Just Another Manic Monday

What a fitting title... don't you think?
We've been home (Jefferson) for the last 3 weekends and I'm exhausted. Why you ask? I'll tell you:
1.) I've had to pack up my entire car 6 times. (3 to get there and 3 to return)
2.) Bonnie's internal clock has been off for 21 days and it's beginning to bug me.
3.) I've woken up 3 times in the middle of the night wondering where the heck I am and then figure out which side of the room the bathroom door is on.
4.) I have gained a total of 1,758 pounds off of my mom's cooking. No bueno.
5.) I've dealt with way too much of my extended family's drama. That in itself is like running a 5k every hour on the hour.
6.) I had to watch Bryan drive home on the bike last night and have a guy almost hit him. My heart has just begun to beat again.
7.) We have neglected our apartment for 3 weeks (due to studying and work) and things are beginning to grow in places they aren't supposed to. Please call before you "drop in".

But the positive to the last 3 weekends:
1.) I've been able to see my family more than I have in the past 2 years.
2.) Bonnie has channeled her inner otter and went for 3 swims. She's happy.
3.) We've had 2 wedding showers and received many fabulous gifts.

The last 3 weekends were a lot of fun. The shower this past weekend was amazing and we had a blast. We played a few games that were interesting to say the least. One of the games we played was the plunger game. One person has a plunger between their legs and the other has a roll of toilet paper. You have to get the toilet paper on the plunger stick before your competition does without using your hands.
Another was where Bryan and I had to search through a duffle bag and get dress while blind folded. This was to imitate the lights going out on our honeymoon....... because the lights always go out in Vegas.
I have a few pictures on my home.... that I will be posting soon. I've set up a flickr account so I'll be putting them there. There will also be a link on the homepage of the blog so that you can access them to take a look.
We received a lot of really nice gifts at that shower too. One of my favorites was the recipe box. Everyone who got an invitation to the shower also got a recipe card that they had to fill out and bring to the shower. The hosts also gave me a really nice box to put them in so they are kept safe. SUPER excited about that.
On Sunday, we went to church and was surprised to find 3 gifts in the pew where we sit. We received our first pieces of crystal. Not sure what to do with those. They're gorgeous but too pretty to use for anything and I'm afraid of breaking them.
The planning is slowing down for now. We have almost finished the invitations and actually started handing them out at the showers this past weekend. Not much to report there.
That's all I have for today but stay tuned for the next edition. The posts may become more frequent as we move closer to the wedding.
Have a good week and here's to a Manic Monday!

Monday, May 16, 2011

What a Weekend!

The grandparents came into town this past weekend. You know how that is. First they get there and tell you how much you've grown, they complain about the trip to see you, take your room so that you have to move elsewhere and then when you think you can't handle the insanity any longer, they retreat back to their homes in another state..... WRONG! You obviously haven't met my grandparents if you think this is the norm in my house.
My grandparents living Panama City Beach, Florida. Huh, doesn't that sound like a familiar place? I think I have something going on down there in about 2 months. I'll check my calendar and get back with you.
Anyway, they live at the beach and we don't get to see them very often but when we do, it is like we haven't seen in them in FOOOORRRRREEEEVVVVEEEERRRRR. Can you say "gossip galore"? They are amazing people and we love it when they come to visit.

They came into town for a baby shower that was thrown for my cousin and ended up getting to come to my first bridal shower. Speaking of which, the shower was great! I had a blast and I think Bryan did too. We got a few things that were on our registry and a few gift cards too. Have I told you I love gift cards? Not sure why. I think it might be because it's like a credit card that I don't have to pay the balance on at the end of the month. Don't worry, Bryan got a Bass Pro Shop gift card just like he wanted. You think they sell Fiesta kitchenware there?

Seeing how we had an extra set of hands in the house this weekend, we put together the invitations. That was a chore. I thought it would be easy but I soon found that it was going to take a little longer than planned but they look amazing when they're all finished. I'm a few short so I'll have to get those put together on my days off. I don't want to show a picture of what they look like because that will ruin the surprise when you get them but here are a few hints
Exciting! Hopefully you can't tell too much from those. I'm going to post the entire process about 2 weeks after they are sent out. That way everyone who is getting one should have it and we shouldn't have to worry about spoiler alerts.

We also nailed down what the groomsmen will be wearing in the wedding. As I've told you before, they will be wearing linen pants and here are the shirts:
Pretty awesome. Bryan also wants them to wear aviator sunglasses which looks really good. Bryan tried on the whole outfit at Macy's one day and I'm very happy with it. Just as long as they are comfortable and not miserably hot, which they may be seeing how the shirts are black, then I'm happy too.

The weekend was going great and was going to end great until Bryan and I made a to-do list of things that need to be done in the next 2 months. After making a list of about 20 items, he then said it was time to go to bed and before I turned the light off, he was snoring and dreaming of Jennifer Anniston and Tina Fey. I don't think I slept last night at all. Luckily I know I have friends and family that will help us get some of the things done.... I think. They may have all just de-friended me on Facebook and now I'm all alone in the world.

That's all I have for now. I'll give you another update next week.

-Busy and Friendless

Monday, May 9, 2011

Invitation Time

The time is upon us.... for invitations to be sent out. Exciting stuff right?! Well, I think so. This past weekend I made a trek to the Mother Ship (Hobby Lobby) to look for ideas. As with everything else, I'm also making my wedding invitations too. Fancy that.
The invitations will be following the same red, black and white theme we have already started. They'll give you the basic info of the big day and have a pretty little embossed design going down one side. We're also including the RSVP card and are contemplating adding in a little map of the area.
One of the pomanders is finished and hanging in my mom's dining room. Turned out incredibly cute and easy to make. After I got started, the process seemed to move pretty quickly and you can assemble one in one episode of Brothers and Sisters. The pictures are still on my mom's camera so you'll have to hang tight until this weekend so that I can download them. I'll post all of the how to information when I get the chance.
Speaking of this weekend, our first wedding shower is on Saturday! YAY for stuff! I probably shouldn't get too excited seeing how we have to move out of our apartment for the two weeks while we're gone for the wedding and honeymoon so they can renovate. But, I'm excited at the possibility of finally getting a food processor or a deep fryer. Isn't it kind of sad that I'm 23 years old and my life has come to KitchenAid Stand Mixers and food processors? Hang on while I evaluate my life's decisions....
Ok back. I looked at Pioneer Woman's salsa recipe and remembered why I need the food processor in the first place. If you'd like to check it out too, click here. And remember, it is always better when you grow the cilantro yourself.

Ok. Time to get back to business. The shower is Saturday and our church family is throwing it for us. Isn't it wonderful to have a church family in your life? I love them all individually and really appreciate all of the support they have provided to Bryan and me.

I do believe that is all I have for right now. Everyone is doing great with the polls. If you have a suggestion for a question, post it in the comments section. Don't post the answer; just the question.
Have a great day!!!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Whew... Glad That's Over

It has been a while since I've been on the website to update everyone on the happenings for the wedding. Here is what has been going on.

1. I took 2 extremely hard weeks of testing to finish up my college career. Let me say, I'm uber excited that's over. No more care plans, test anxiety and APA style papers for a while.

2. On Thursday April 28, I was pinned by my dad for nursing school. The ceremony is lead and put together by nursing students.... the same nursing students that were taking the 2 grueling weeks of tests. I don't think I have to explain how that went over. Glad that's over.

3. On Friday April 29, Bryan and I sprung out of bed.... wait, sprung is an over statement... we rolled out of bed, onto the floor, allowed Bonnie to lick us awake, poured a cup of extra strong coffee and turned on the Today show to watch the royal wedding. How amazing did Kate Middleton look?! I told my bridesmaid and a friend that I want the Today show at my wedding too. We're currently in talks with Matt Lauer. The wedding was an hour long and then I watched them kiss on the balcony when I got to work. Glad that's over.

4. Also on Friday, one of my bridesmaids came to visit for the weekend. Now that class is over, I'm finally able to focus my time and attention on the wedding. Which means, Kayla and I sat down on the floor watching Brothers and Sisters while making pomanders for the ceremony. With the wedding being on the beach, I don't want the flower girls throwing rose petals that will just be blown around. So, we're making them pomanders so they carry their flowers. I have pictures of the progress but I don't have them with me. I'll post those later on.

5. On Saturday, I graduated from North Georgia College and State University with a nursing degree. There, I said it. That makes it real... right? When I walked into the gym, my family and friends were on the back row taking pictures. And what did I see hanging from Bryan's neck? My graduation gift, a Nikon D40. Um.... YAY!

I think that's about all I have for now. It was a busy weekend and a stressful 2 years and I'm glad it's over.